Hulk Hogan is arguably the most recognizable superstar not just in the history of WWE but in the whole of professional wrestling. He transcended the world of wrestling into becoming a part of popular culture.
The WWE Hall of Famer has two children: his daughter, Brooke Hogan, born in 1988, and his son, Nick Hogan, born in 1990. While Brooke went on to become a singer, reality star, actress, and model, Nick's life seemingly didn't amount to stardom.
So what happened to Hulk Hogan's son?
Nick Hogan was sentenced to jail in 2008 after crashing his car into a tree while under the influence of alcohol. The passenger in Nick's car, John Graziano, suffered severe brain damage as a result of the crash.
At the time, Nick was only 17 years old, but he already had a history of being fined by the police for speeding. He spent approximately five months at Pinellas County Jail before being released due to good behavior.
Nick Hogan broke his silence about the incident in 2010 while speaking on ABC's Good Morning America:
"It's hard to move on every day and be positive when there's something that's so horribly devastating. There are days when I can't even get out of bed. John’s my brother; we practically lived together, and I just remember finding out about how bad everything was. It’s still hard for me to think about it. I pray every day that I will be able to deal with it. It’s still, at this point, too much to think about. It’s something that I carry with me every day." (H/T Daily Mail)His sentence also involved five years of probation, 500 hours of community service, and having his driver's license suspended for three years.
Has Hulk Hogan's son ever wrestled for WWE?
Nick Hogan has never competed in a match for WWE or trained to wrestle. He has appeared on television several times over the years alongside The Hulkster, but he has not gotten physical.
In August 2021, Nick Hogan spoke with Lucha Libre Online to discuss potentially getting involved in wrestling:
"You know, I never rule it out. I think about it all the time, and I never rule it out. There's always a couple times a year where I take a break from the music schedule, and I really think about how I want to carve some time over here (FSW in Las Vegas)." (H/T Fightful)Who knows? We may see Hulk Hogan's son back on our television screens sooner than we think.
Do you think we will ever see Hulk Hogan's son as an active wrestler? Let us know in the comments section below.
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