Shelby Rogers, who earlier this week revealed that she was engaged to long-time boyfriend John Slavik, has now shed light on how the surprise proposal happened.
Rogers is currently competing at the 2023 Charleston Open, where she defeated compatriot Danielle Collins 6-7 (2), 6-4, 6-1 in the first round. Speaking after her win, Rogers gave a brief description of the locale where Slavik proposed to her.
The American spoke of the "most perfect moment" that she and her boyfriend spent at the Battery during sunset, amidst the cheers of the buoyant spectators.
"It was downtown at the Battery right by the water and then the sunset put on a beautiful show. It was probably the most perfect moment of my life so far," Rogers said during the course of an interaction with the Tennis Channel.The 30-year-old, who was surprised by her boyfriend, also stated that "everybody" except her knew the plan beforehand.
"He did an amazing job. Everybody was in on it except me," she added with a smile. "There were a couple of slip-ups right before and I was like, hang on, this isn't the way to dinner you know, but I haven't been able to stop smiling the whole time I've been home."Shelby Rogers took to social media to announce her engagement to American ice hockey player Slavik on April 1. The two have reportedly been together since 2020 following a blind date arranged by mutual friends.
A photograph of the couple embracing at the Battery in Charleston during sunset epitomized the special evening that the duo spent.
"Thankfully I was able to turn it around" - Shelby Rogers after winning her first round match at Charleston
Shelby Rogers was all praise for Danielle Collins, her first-round opponent in Charleston, calling her "aggressive" and "feisty."
Rogers rallied to tilt the scales in her favor after losing the first set tiebreak. Her serve let her down early in the encounter, but she regained the sharpness on the shot as the match wore on.
"She is such an aggressive player, such a feisty player and I was like, just hang in there. I wanted to serve just a little bit better as the match went on, that kind of let me down early but thankfully I was able to turn it around and play a little more aggressive and get ahead of some of the points because she was just dominating at the beginning," Rogers explained.Shelby Rogers has since advanced to the third round in Charleston. Up against fellow American Caty McNally in the second round, the 2020 US Open quarterfinalist again rallied from a set down to win 6-7 (4), 7-5, 6-1.
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