Hilarious YK Osiris memes trend in wake of baby mama's Instagram story

Posted by Kelle Repass on Thursday, June 27, 2024

American rapper YK Osiris has made headlines after his baby mother, Nastassia reposted a social media post about "her bd." The post that the baby mother reposted on Instagram read:

“Stop asking me what happened with my bd, I caught him with a man ok.”

Ever since the baby mother posted this, the internet has been buzzing with people posting memes about the situation.

Social media in a frenzy after YK Osiris’ baby mother claimed that she “caught” him with a man

While some users joked about how YK Osiris would react after seeing the post, others poked at why his baby mother revealed this information in the first place.

Social media users mocked YK Osiris after the baby mother revealed that she caught him with some men. (Image via Instagram)

Osiris has been in the news for a long time, especially when a video of him floated on social media where he could be seen spending time with his baby, back in August 2022.

In a video where he can be seen helping his kid burp, he said:

Osiris shares this kid with Nastassia Thomas. As reported by several news houses, the couple is now not involved romatically. However, the two have been co-parenting their kid ever since the breakup.

Furthermore, the post was immediately deleted from the social media account, so it cannot be stated whether the rapper being interested in men is true or just a piece of fake news.

All you should know about YK Osiris

YK Osiris, AKA Osiris Jahkail Williams, was born in September 1998, and is a popular rapper and singer who belongs to Florida. He is known for his famous songs, I’m Next and Valentine.

He gained popularity in 2017, after he posted the song, Fake Love. Till date, the rapper has released close to 20 songs, each loved by the audience equally.

Furthermore, the 25 year old star has also teamed up with record label Def Jam for Timing, which was released in 2018 and became a massive hit. Having more than 3 million followers on Instagram, the rapper is quite popular amongst the audience for his music.

At the same time, the rapper has 2 kids. However, not much is known about his first kid and the baby mother. However, he shares the second one with the internet star, Nastassia Thomas. The two had a 15-year-age gap, since Nastassia is 40, and Osiris is 25.

Speaking about the latest controversy, neither Stassia, Osiris’s ex, nor the rapper have spoken out publicly on the matter. Hence, nothing can be said for sure, as it was just a tweet that the baby mother reposted on social media. However, it sure managed to create a buzz on social media!

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