Hasbulla released from jail, placed under house arrest after spending less than a day behind bars

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Internet sensation and icon, Hasbulla was recently arrested in his native Dagestan. Hasbulla and his friends were arrested for traffic violations. Reports suggest that they were interfering with other drivers. According to MARCA, they blocked off a street to do donuts with their vehicles.

They retorted by stating that they were celebrating their friend's wedding. This, however, did not stop them from being arrested by the local police in Dagestan.

Now, we have an update on the situation. As per a tweet made from Hasbulla's official Twitter account, it appears that he has been placed under house arrest. On Twitter, he stated:

"Gm Bailed out on house arrest!"

Fan accounts also confirmed the same. @HasbullaHive, one of his more prominent fan accounts, tweeted:

"BREAKING Hasbulla is now free and has been placed on house arrest"

Hasbulla suffers from Growth Hormone Deficiency

Hasbulla went viral over the last few years as he took his social media presence to another level. From his beef with Abdu Rozik, to appearing in the octagon with UFC legend Khabib Nurmagomedov, he has been all over the world.

It was, however, a surprise to some fans to learn that he is actually 20 years old, despite his appearance. That's when it became public that he suffers from Growth Hormone Deficiency, a genetic disorder that occurs when the pituitary gland, which is tasked with producing most hormones, fails to produce sufficient levels of growth hormone, or GH for short.

A doctor, Karan Ranjan (drkaranranjan on Instagram), clarified things in 2021 by stating:

"This is the truth behind Hasbulla. Despite his childlike stature and voice, Hasbulla is actually 18 years old. Both he and Abdu Rozik have a similar condition - Growth Hormone Deficiency. Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. Sometimes, this can be caused by tumors, but most of the time, the cause is unknown. If diagnosed early, it can be treated with daily human growth hormone (HGH) injections. Lionel Messi had this when he was a kid. He was diagnosed at age 10 and treated." " modalPopup.closeOnEsc = false; modalPopup.setHeader("Why did you not like this content?"); modalPopup.setContentText(modalText); modalPopup.addCancelOkButton("Submit", resetRatingAndFeedbackForm, sendRating); modalPopup.removeCloseModalIcon(); modalPopup.disableDismissPopup(); modalPopup.open(); } else { sendRating(index); } } function sendRating() { var requestPayload = { "post_id": 1502463, "rating_value": ratingValue } if (ratingValue > 3) { requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = null; requestPayload.rating_feedback = null; } else { if (!$('input[name="drone"]:checked') || !$('input[name="drone"]:checked').value) { showErrorMessage('option'); return; } if (!$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea") || !$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value) { showErrorMessage('note'); return; } var selectedOption = $('input[name="drone"]:checked').value; var feedbackNote = $(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value; requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = selectedOption; requestPayload.rating_feedback = feedbackNote; } pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() {}, true); } function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm() { var activeStars = Array.from($all('.rating span.rating-star.active')); for (var i=0; i < activeStars.length; i++) { activeStars[i].classList.remove("active"); } if ($('input[name="drone"]:checked')) { $('input[name="drone"]:checked').checked = false; } var userNote = document.querySelector(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea"); userNote.value = ''; modalPopup.close(); } function onsaveRatingSuccess() { modalPopup.close(); savePostIdInUserRatedPostsCookie(); $("#post-rating-layout").classList.add("hidden"); $("#post-rating-message").classList.remove("hidden"); window.setInterval(function showMessage() { $("#post-rating-widget").classList.add("hidden"); }, 3000); } function onsaveRatingFail() { console.error('Saving post rating failed!'); modalPopup.close(); } function savePostIdInUserRatedPostsCookie() { userRatedPostIds.push(1502463); var expiryTime = new Date(); expiryTime.setMonth(expiryTime.getMonth() + 12); // Expiry after 1 year setCookie("user_rated_post_ids", JSON.stringify(userRatedPostIds), expiryTime); } function isPostRatedByUser() { var userRatedPostIds = getCookie('user_rated_post_ids'); if (userRatedPostIds) { try { userRatedPostIds = JSON.parse(userRatedPostIds); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return false; } } else { return false; } if(userRatedPostIds.indexOf(1502463) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pureJSAjaxGet( getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + '/rating/count', function(data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.meta_value) { resolve(data.meta_value); } reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } catch (err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } }, function(err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); }, true); }); } function showErrorMessage(messageType) { var messageContainerId = '#' + messageType + '-error'; $(messageContainerId).classList.remove('hidden'); window.setInterval(function () { $(messageContainerId).classList.add("hidden"); }, 5000); } (function() { var callFired = false; function lazyLoadPostRating() { if (callFired) return; callFired = true; if (!isPostRatedByUser()) { getRatingCountByPostId(1502463) .then(function(ratingCount) { if (ratingCount < 10) { $("#post-rating-widget").classList.remove("hidden"); } }) .catch(function(err){ console.error(err); }); } } document.addEventListener("scroll", lazyLoadPostRating, { passive: true, once: true }); document.addEventListener("mousemove", lazyLoadPostRating, { passive: true, once: true }); document.addEventListener("touchmove", lazyLoadPostRating, { passive: true, once: true }); })();
